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Picking an exam table is the peak of getting ready to open your practice. Everything has been settled, you have your degrees and licenses. The space is ready and clean. Now it’s time for the finishing touches – the most important of which will be your patient examination table. 

But there are so many different exam tables to choose from. How are you supposed to know which one to pick? Well that’s where we come in. We’ll walk your through the steps to help you find the best medical table to suit your practice.


1. What Space Do You Have Available?

This is the biggest factor in determining what type of exam table you should purchase. No matter how good the quality is, if it doesn’t fit in your space, the table is useless. Make sure you pay close attention to the measurements of your room. That will let you know which tables are suitable. Some have mechanical parts and add-ons that require more space to operate properly.

Unfortunately, it just goes that smaller spaces have less options. There are still great exam tables that can fit into a nook or cranny, but the selection in general will be smaller. But, it might make it easier for you to decide which one to go with at the end of the day.


2. What Services Do You Provide?

Are you a pediatrician? Maybe you do massages or physical therapy? Every service requires a different table. There are some that can be used for multiple different practices. It’s extremely important to get the right type of table, even if it costs a bit more money.

For example, if you are an obstetrician, you should not use an exam table that physical therapists use. If you have child patients, you’ll need to make sure they can reach it. There are completely separate requirements for different types of examination – be sure that you get the right table with the right features.


3. How Often will You Use the Table?

Do you plan to conduct the majority of your examination on the table? Or would you rather have it standing/in an open space? This will mostly depend on your practice but it’s important to keep in mind.

You don’t want to invest in an expensive and extensive exam table if you will only have patients sit on it for 10 to 15 seconds. On the other hand, if your patients spend a lot of time on their backs and stomachs, getting a cheap table will lower their experience.

It’s important to find a balance between price, quality, and time spent using the table.


Ready to Choose Your Table?

At Jameson Medical, we make sure that you find the perfect exam table to fit your needs. This article is just the tipping point of these services. If the advice here wasn’t enough, feel free to contact us with any questions you have by visiting our website.

Hopefully you’ll be able to find the perfect exam table for your practice!