Perhaps one of the most versatile tables on the market, this model has a lot to offer. It has 56 inches of metal free space for imaging purposes and can move in multiple directions. It moves vertically between 26 and 44 inches, as well as into a Trendelenburg tilt and longitudinally. This model also offers practitioners a lateral tilt option to help get those hard to reach angles.
Available with either a rectangular or integrated tabletop, this table also offers 7 optional accessories to choose from.
- 1-year warranty on labor
- 4-year warranty on parts
- 4 way movement
- Hand controls
- Foot controls
- 3 cranial pads with Integrated Headrest
- Maximum weight: 500lbs (Bariatric Rated)
- Height range: 26”- 44”
- Lateral tilt ± 15°
- Trendelenburg tilt +15°, -12°
- Lateral motion ± 4”
- Longitudinal travel ± 10”
- 12” x 12” x 2”/ 12” x 12” x 4”/ crescent face pad